Read the operation manual. Do not think that the manual is just a simple text description, its importance is to give operators safe guidance and operational details. In the production of insulating glass, the operator needs to read the relevant insulating glass equipment specifications in detai…
The impact resistance of insulating glass is increased by about three to five times.The function of filling the insulating glass with argon is to reduce the pressure difference inside the glass, keep the pressure balanced, and avoid glass breakage; reduce the temperature on both sides of the gl…
The maintenance and maintenance of hollow glass equipment is to keep the hollow glass equipment in good condition during glass processing.Therefore, the daily maintenance and maintenance of hollow glass equipment is very important. First, if there is a problem in operation, we must stop product…
Visible vapor production in a insulated glass cavity is a failure of the insulated glass.
Insulated glass is effective. Insulated glass has the characteristics of high energy saving, good insulation and good aesthetics.
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