The middle of the insulating glass is not vacuum, and the space between the sheets is filled with dry air or inert gas and a hygroscopic agent.The conventional insulating glass spacer is air. If you want to improve performance, you can fill it with inert gas, and argon is commonly used. The insulating glassis filled with argon gas, which can slow down the heat convection and heat conduction in the insulating glass, thereby weakening the thermal conductivity of the insulating glass as a whole, which also has a certain impact on the shading coefficient, and can also reduce the chance of glass self-explosion.
1. What kind of gas is filled in the Insulated glass?
Insulating glass refers to a glass product made of two or more pieces of glass with an aluminum frame filled with molecular sieve adsorbent to separate a certain width of space, bonded and sealed with butyl glue, and then sealed with silicone glue or structural glue.
The gas in the middle part of the insulating glass can be ordinary dry air or argon. In comparison, insulating glass filled with argon has better performance
The insulating glass we usually use is filled with argon gas. As we all know, argon gas is a kind of inert gas, which is colorless, odorless, non-toxic and stable. We need to use an inflator to fill the vacuum glass with gas filling machine.In the air, its content accounts for about 1%. Compared with krypton and xenon, it is the most economical inert gas.
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